
Your direct access to top positions with our partnering companies


Initiative Application

We consider ourselves a door-opener to our fields of industry. We work with selected clients on crucial permanent positions. As a matter of course this is free of charge to our candidates. Feel free to explore your career opportunity with us – by submitting your initiative application..

Initial Contact

We consider ourselves networkers. Our motto is: “good people know good people”. We want to understand your background and development to the fullest extent. In our first conversation we will get to know each other and your specific interests and circumstances in order to approach you with only accurately fitting job offers.


Job Presentation

We consider ourselves trusting career consultants. Therefore you will receive all of the necessary information regarding our clients and the vacancy at stake. Together we sort out whether the position fits both parties interests. In the end, you decide whether or not you want us to place an application with our client.


We consider ourselves your cover letter. We place your authentic application to our client according to your needs. We have direct access to the hiring managers. We pursue a common goal.



We consider ourselves your active companion during the recruiting process and prepare you extensively in advance. We organize the interview with our client based on your availability. You can expect honest feedback and we rely on your transparent communication. This guarantees a purposeful process for all participants without any unexpected surprises.


We consider ourselves target-oriented partner. Especially during the crucial contracting phase, we are a mediator and consultant between you and our clients. We remain an expert contact for you even after the placement. Your success is our goal.

“Our consultants offer you exclusive access to crucial positions and decision-makers in the field of sales and engineering in your industry. We discuss your demands and interests discreetly, guide you through the recruiting process and accompany you in your next career step.” – Daniel Hell-Mayer and Daniel Schmökel


One Contact Person

The responsible consultant will accompany you throughout the entire process. We consistently build upon enduring relationships in our cooperation, regardless of the outcome in a single recruiting process.

Industry Expertise­

Our consultants offer profound knowledge and experience in your industry and are therefore able to integrate your needs appropriately with market needs. Our consulting focus is on sales and engineering positions in selected industries. You can find us at relevant trade fairs and in business networks.

Readiness and Efficiency

Time is a critical factor in business. Our additional value for all parties involved is a high degree of efficiency which we apply to all our processes.

Discretion and Trust

Nothing happens without your approval. We require a transparent and professional cooperation from all parties involved.


You want accurately fitting job offers?

We are happy to have a comprehensive discussion about our mutual benefits of cooperation, your initiative application as well as our current job opportunities

Contact us now!

munerio consulting GmbH
Am Treptower Park 75
12435 Berlin
T +49 30 403 6691 00